Monday, February 21, 2011

Historical Giants, Here And Now

Millions of years ago, before what we call 'modern' man an ancient race with high intelligence, advanced technology and aerospace capabilities lived on earth. Great earth
catastrophies wiped out much of this race , mutated some and drove many more underground. While waiting out the effects of what an ancient nucleur war created on the
surface, man went back to a more natural or should I say 'simplistic' culture.  By the time they once again surfaced to  the earth or even came back from distance planets the
Age of Man had changed.   Knowledge was lost and the old technology was gone. Man had to start over. they had done in previous Ages.

Today we still remain very ignorant  of our past.   Until 1847, almost nothing was known about fossil man. Science ignored the study of ancient man. It was only thorugh the
bible and traditions that the western worlds had any reference to these wonderous races.   One such race was the race of Giants who were "in the earth in those days" of old.

H.P. Blavataksy, The Secret Doctrine, points out to us references in the Bible and in our tradition about the Rephaim (Giants,(the mighty ones),   the spectres (Phantoms), the
Nephilim, or the fallen ones.. they are shown  "as if identical, though they are all men, since the Bible calls them the primitive and the mighty ones" -- e.g., Nimrod.  These
names, which belong by right only to the four preceding races and the earliest beginning of the Fifth, allude very clearly to the first two Phantom (astral) races; to the fallen one
-- the Third; and to the race of the Atlantean Giants -- the Fourth, after which "men began to decrease in stature."

Although Science has come a long way since 1847, they, for their own reasons,  have not shared this information with the world populas. We have been kept in the dark . Not
only kept in the dark, but conditioned and trained through the educational system, media and peers to scoff and shut out alternative ideas about the history of man.

Giants Of The Old World

 National Geographic Photo From the 1920s

 Mt Blanco Fossil Museum Giant Femur

National Geographic Photo from the 1920s
Standing Tall in the Land of Genghis Khan
Roy Chapman Andrews took this photograph of 7 foot five inch man in 1922 in Ulaanbaatar. The photograph was never published in the magazine.

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